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Extremely Powerful Revenge Spells on Someone, Revenge Instant Death Spells on Enemy +27836633417

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Revenge spells are wishes made to the universe against someone’s favor. It is highly unsafe to toy with any kind of spell, especially enchantments for revenge, breakup, or death. Your requests should be pointed, definite, and free from two-sided decisions. Always be specific about what you want.
Use this Revenge Spell to make your enemy fail. Target whomever you want. A problematic boss, bully, coworker, banker, or neighbor. Crush a romantic relationship. Shut down a backstabber, liar, thief, abuser, or master manipulator. There is no end to the list of difficult or trouble-making people. Set the stage for things to go wrong. Upset their apple cart. Furthermore, do it without out getting yourself directly involved.

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