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New white BMK powder cas 5449-12-7 oil currently available whatsapp+8613163307521

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Contact bailey zoe
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More Information

1. Is it safe to Netherlands Germany Spain Swisse, Sweden Beligum, France. . . . ?
yes, guarantee 100% safe delivery.
2. What is the delivery time?
EU : 7 days
USA: 7 – 12 days
Canada: 15days
Mexico: 20days
3. What is the purity of powder?
98. 5% purity, and yield is 60%
4. It is first time to try bmk powder, what should i do?
my friend you can take some sample first. and for more other details can kindly contact me
WhatsApp/skype/signal/wechat: +8613163307521
Our advantages:
100% safe Shipping
door to door delivery service!
reliable customs clearance!
Contact us for the cost of ( various kinds of products with High Yield and Fast Delivery today. Click on Phone Number Or Whatsapp13163307521

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