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Benue State University, Makurdi 2024/2025 Admission Form [09037603426] IS on SALE For Direct Entry F

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Contact DR Austin
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Benue State University, Makurdi 2024/2025 Admission Form [09037603426] IS on SALE For Direct Entry Form , masters form, P.H.D Form, Sandwich Form, Diploma Form, Transfer form, Change of course Form IS STILL ON,FOR GUIDELINES AND ADMISSION ASSISTANCE CALL THE SCHOOL ADMIN Dr.Mr AUSTIN ON (09037603426)


1. there is no age limit provided the candidate satisfies basic entry requirements.

2. matured, highly disciplined individuals who possess all the attributes of being healthy i.e physically, mentally, socially, spiritual, culturally, and morally sound. there should be no traces of contagious diseases.

3. good citizens with readiness to learn, lack of criminal tendencies and ability to abide with the rules and reg

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